Friday, January 19, 2007

Call 6777-3777 If you want to meet my platoonmates

I seem to complain a lot on my blog huh. Viewership has been down as more of my fanbase has been caught up in their work or are serving in the Serve And F***off.

So I shall be thankful today of all the glorius things that have been happening of late.

I thank my :

Paranoia -- For without it, I wouldn't have brought half my medicine cabinet and i would have been sick for the whole week in camp.

Rain -- What's the big deal with that guy anyway? I thank the real rain. And God of course, for bringing it. For without it, morning and afternoon PT would have been long enough to kill.

Aww, I can't stand this goody-two-shoes crap. I want to rant again.

I hate Mats. 10 days with them, and I'm speaking in Mat language half the time. My English is deplorable, and worse, I'm thinking in Mat!

They're nice people la. BUT they're damn lazy. To study I mean. They're actually quite sharp. And they say I have no life. Spent my whole life studying. Yeah. I agree, I didn't have a childhood, I didn't have much of a fun teenage life, but guess what boys? Half the damn country is trying to improve themselves everyday so that they can be commercially viable when they enter the workforce and not be the delveryboy who delivers ME my Macdonalds at 3am in the morning, dipshit.

I'm tired.

Camp life is the same everyday la. Wake up, make your bed, run, eat, run, march, swim, eat, run, attend some stupid lesson, run, eat, talk cock, polish shit shoes, sleep and REPEAT. Boring.

And I better log off now before I get too incoherent SIA.

--- I suddenly want to upgrade my bicycle to a motorcycle. Mwahahaha. I'm going to be a changed person 3 months from now.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Back From THAT Place

I'm back. Came back yesterday, had dinner and slept like a log for 12 hours. The 4 hour sleep nights I've been having of late have taken a brutal toll on my unconditioned XBox 360 playing body.

Oh my god, I expected CD to be tough, since my much fitter sources said so. But I wasn't prepared for such a brutal onslaught of EVIL.

The physical part, I can handle.
The screaming, I can handle.
The higher expectations for A level students, I can handle.

The people, I cannot handle.

I have 37 people in my platoon, including me. Out of that, 30 people are from ITE or below. By below, I mean ITE, 1 O level pass, (namely their MT) or 1 N level pass, or even primary 6 education. And no, its not their education status that scares me, its their attitudes. Mats, Bengs, and the like, they are everywhere SURROUNDING me. And it doesn't help, that when either me or the other JC guy (from YJC) makes a mistake, the Platoon Sergeant screams at us "A-level students!?! You thinks you smart? Then why you making mistake? "(sic). Ah yes, I'm sure they teach you how to pull your bedsheet super tight, till a coin can bounce of it, in JC. The wonders of our education system.

I knew that it would be prudent not to seperate myself from the rest by even giving a hint of my education status, but that Sergeant was a bastard. And I learnt yesterday, from another JC guy in another platoon that the reason why he hates JC ppl was because even though he was best cadet, he couldn't get into the elite ERS course because he didn't have the proper education status. Boo hoo for him, but you don't need to take it out on me. Now the more evil platoonmates are looking at me and the other guy in a funny way, but hey, I don't give a shit.

Not a good start eh?

But its not all bad. Some of the others are ok. Though I have to communicate either with broken english or malay to them, which will undoubtedly cause my own language skills to deteriorate, they're good people, caught in circumstances that weren't as conducive as ours so they weren't able to achieve their fullest potential. But I do have to watch my mouth though. I remarked once that the uniform looks like a glorified security guards' uniform, and a few of them, being former security guards took offense.

But I guess NS is shitty everywhere for the first initial weeks, so I need to get used to the language and the more abrasive cultures and colourful characters around me.

Well, wish me luck. I'm going back tommorow night, and I need to survive another 5 days, that is IF I don't get stuck with Guard Duty if I cock up, for which I've already been threatened with, along with many others.

Woohoo and whopeedoo, I'm getting $350 for this shit.

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Big Z

I told you all I was hot. You see, even some random unreliable girly gay blogger quiz thingy agrees with me.
They got hot, smart, genius, magician and cupid down right, buit being unreliable, gay and girly, they got certain parts wrong, namely dirty, liar, mad and deviant. I'm a saint ok?
So anyways, goodbye everyone, for my hotness fades again. I'm going to my new home at Jalan Bahar tommorow. I'll be learning how to put out garbage chute fires so i can keep your HDB flats safe. you're welcome. Don't miss me ok?
Yes, you. Don't miss me. Yes, I'm talking to you, the reader. What's that? I can't hear you. You don't give a shit? Ah, yes, always the joking crowd. I'll miss you too. Yes, point the middle finger, I'll miss you that much too.
Thank god I don't have a confinement period like the army. But the army ain't that bad too you know? Vishnu got into the Pes BP Welfare platoon and 1 month into his BMT and they're only doing 10 for their 5 BX. Basically, 10 push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, burpeeeeees (how the heck do you spell that crappy exercise) and flutterkicks or another exercise. That's like the first day of NCC training in VS if you're sick. But hey, he's got 5 months more. So i guess by the end, 5 BX will be up to like a gazillion reps, so godspeed Vishnu. Godspeed.
As for me, according to my SCDF source, the training isn't so gradual. Well, whoopeedoo for me then. Ain't that a pickle. I'm sure my untrained muscles are dying for a less than gradual transition from all-nighters fighting zombies on my couch, to PT at 6 am in the morning. Whooopee.
But hey, I go in tmw, I just need to survive for 4 days, 3 nights till i book out. Then rest for 1 and a half days and go back in then survive 5 days, rest and repeat for 2 years. Wow. FUN.

Well whoopeedoo.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Emo Shit

I woke up today with a feeling of total dread. For I know that in 4 days, I’ll be gone. My rite of passage as a man will be a long hard 2 years. After that, I’ll be a man.

A man. Wow.

So I logged onto the net at my sister’s place, as I always do when I either get emo or bored. And I blog hopped around. It seems everyone is doing their yearly resolutions and whatever other nonsense. I guess it doesn’t hurt for me to jump onto the bandwagon.

My resolution is simple.

Its to have no fear, and to go all the way, even against all odds, in everything I do.

NS is going to be a trying time for many, especially for me. I guess that I’ve learnt a few things in life.

One, is that fear is bad. VS has taught me that, and I never fully appreciated what VS had taught me till I stepped into JC. Being posted into NCC Land against my will was a scary twisted start to my VS life. I was a wussy sissy piece of shit back then, afraid of my own shadow. Let’s just say that fear is highly visible and it attracts aggression. I mean, if you see a scared cat, the evil side of you would ask you to kick it won’t it? But not everyone in Land was evil, and eventually I found a nice comfortable home tormenting others. Heh.

Fear puts you at the bottom of any food chain, and I cannot have fear cos I cannot be at the bottom anymore.

Another thing I learnt from all this is that, well, if you’re at the bottom, shit rolls down hill. I thank god that when shit rolled to me, it had some more road to roll downhill. I thank the brave soul who made my initial Land days easier, and the subsequent days fun. A salute to Mr ****** *** ***.

MJ has taught me some interesting and valuable lessons too. It taught me to go all the way, so that you don’t regret later on. I regret taking 3 subjects instead of 4, cos I was too lazy to take 4. I regret other things, things that would not have happened if I had pushed harder a little more. It also taught me that even if all the odds are against you, tenacity and wit will get you through many things. It also taught me that not all things in life a rosy and good. A little pre-emptive dirty play could prevent other dirty players form succeeding.

I really hope for the best in the upcoming 2 years of my life, for I hope that it’ll be a great learning experience for me.

Oh my god, I’m kinda emo today aren’t I? must be the rain.

On a side note, I feel that people who get panic attacks are total wussy, sissy faggots. I mean, its ok to be anxious about something like how I woke up today, but to be not able to breathe and to get a panic attack means your life is totally out of your control. Wussy.

Oh, and pardon the grammatical errors, and all the other poor English stuff. My brain has been switched off ever since the end of the A’s. and I’m going to the Civil Defence. Who needs a brain?