Friday, March 30, 2007


I haven’t updated in ages primarily because I’ve been sick of my CD life and I just want to enjoy the brief reprieve that they afford us every weekend. I have the same complaint, that is the people there REALLY are horrible. I know I complain every week, but I just have to vent ONE last time before I have my Passing Out Parade. The people there in my opinion, form the lowest societal class in Singapore. Rowdy hooligans. I know I sound super high and mighty, but seriously you have to be there to understand it. Best of luck to Muhammad and Hafiz who are going in, in 2 weeks time. More luck to Muhd though. Heh.

Enough emo complaining stuff. I’ve done quite a lot these past few weeks. Notably, I went out with the old class last week. My, my, absence does make people look hotter. Heh.

I went out with Hafiz, for the first time, ever. We went to Changi to eat Flattened Chicken Rice. We took his friends car, and he sped like some dog. Woohoo. His friends seem rather mat, they smoke and go clubbing, though I don’t mind them, for a simple reason, they have a brain.

But all these things seem trivial now. I was eating BK with my platoonmate (English speaking Australian-Arab guy) yesterday. Then I got a phone call from a strange number. A very throaty, yet soothing male voice introduced himself as someone, and I shall not mention his name. He said he was form SMU admissions. My mind went racing, (something that hasn’t happened since I donned the Civil Defence uniform). I was like “shit shit. I’m rejected so fast?”

He finally went on to say that I’ve been short listed for the law interview, and that its this coming week, that a on-the-spot essay will be required… blah. Blah. Blah.

My mind went racing again. ‘ my results weren’t that bad I suppose.’

I took a bite out of my Mushroom Swiss.

My mind stopped racing. Then my ‘area of paranoia’, the part of my brain that brews up all the negative things that can happen (which in my opinion was the sole reason I did anything in school or Biz Club) came alive once more (in CD I don’t need to think).

It reminded me that the last time I spoke proper English was 3 months ago, the last time I read any proper current affairs stuff was 3 months ago, and the last time my brain was stimulated was after the last A level paper, 5 months ago.

All this really means I truly am prepared for my interview. Woohoo.

Hopefully, if / when I screw up the interview this week, they’ll still consider me for my second choice. And god willing NUS will accept me, without any interviews, just in case SMU deems me unworthy.

Anyway, I called Azlyn to ask how her SMU interview went. Nice to hear a friendly female voice in a long time. It was ok, then she also said her friend from VJ went for the law one. Dang. Competition. From smart people. (Repeat previous paragraph).

Anyways, I got to go now. Got to go eat lunch. I swear, the calories I burn over the course of the week are just paid back over the weekend. But like the badge on my field pack, “ Eat well, Stay fit, Die Anyway.”

I got a lot of flak for that badge. Heh. So much so they shaved off 2 mins off my runnig timing within a week. LOL.

After rereading this entry, I think I’m happier now that I’m leaving those CD people behind. I just hope that when I’m posted out, I don’t meet a whole new slew of them.

2007 resolution: Next entry onwards, I’ll cut the complaints and bring more of the funny that made dontbeaboob have 2-digit hits. Cos now the stagnating single and barely 2 digit hits are not good.

Heh. POP next thursday. Woot!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A New Dawn, A New Day

You know what? I've never felt the way I've felt on results day. The feeling of relief, that I didn't flop like a loser, mixed with the feeling of regret that I didn't achieve my true potential like many of peers had.

So I guess from my morose mood, I didn't do very well did I?

Like a lost sheep, I followed Siu Sing round the NUS open house yesterday. Really really don't know what I want to do. Earlier on, I wanted to do business, but alas, a business degree now is worth as much as the paper its printed on. Though I still don't know what I want to do, after the whole thing was done, I managed to scratch a rough idea from my Civil Defence-induced coma of a brain of what I wanted to do.

We proceeded on with a journey to SMU. Four words could sum up the experience there. "All presentation, no content." The only reason I dragged Siu Sing and Muhd there was probably to check out their new law school. It wasn't of a comfort that my grades were the bare minimum requirements, with the exception of GP, which amusingly, the arts students in MJ did atrociously for ( For which I'm sure is retribution for looking down on science students' lack of imagination and creativity). But I'm sure even IF I managed to score an interview, I'll probably fail it, seeing as how it takes me ages to construct sound English sentences, be it in written form or oral.

Though with all the regret I have for not putting in my utmost, for what had been the most important exam in my life ever, there is a little reprieve that my results are better than some, if not few people.

4 more weeks till I get out of recruit life, 4 more weeks to end the torment, the personal mental toll on my intelligence.

2 more weeks for me to decide which course I should take. Damn. No one told me that life just throws everything it has at you, the moment you receive your result slip. All decision making is on our own now. We have to manage or money, time and future now.

I guess I shouldn't have bought the XBox wheel should I? Its one hell of a distraction.