Monday, February 27, 2006

Lord of Chaos, Mister Rahman

The Chemical Massacre happened today.

In the aftermath, I could see faces in their last moments, contorted in horror, their eyes filled with the lazy glaze of the dead.

No one could ever have foreseen the carnage the Chemistry Teachers could rain upon the plebs of Meridians.

The plebeians were not prepared for such onslaught.

I was not prepared for such entropy.

You know why?

Because yesterday right, my back hurt like hell man. I took four panadols, and slept hoping to wake up at about 9p.m. to study for today’s test. I didn’t and well, the rest is history.

What cheered me up though were remarks from those who had studied. They said it was a horrible test. But hey, I wouldn’t know considering every test is a horrible one. Hah!

Anyway, my back gave way today. God damn, I waited for an hour and a half for the poly to dispense me some long awaited drugs and you know what they gave me?

Panadols mixed with a bit of muscle relaxant, the kind which they give you for flu and an analgesic that I SPECIFICALLY asked for. If I had known that amount of time would be spent hurting in the waiting room, I would’ve gone to guardian to buy the stuff myself. I swear man, I think I can be a doctor at the polyclinics. Anything wrong, I’ll just give you a panadol variant. Please ah.

Ooo. I can’t sit down at the com for very long. My back is killing me.

Oh, and Muhammad, the Trojan that wreaked havoc on me last week didn’t do any permanent damage at all. Thanks for your help.

Back hurting...Must be the anticipation of waiting for the bloody MT results coming out tomorrow. NOOOOOOOO!!!

Let me hope I’ll pass.

Good luck to my fellow plebs, those who have never taken HMT or regret dropping it :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wishful thinking

Whoa. A lot to say. Did a lot of things this week. Firstly, I tried the beef fantastic from macs. Spell YUCKS. Then on wed for some apparent reason I was insane and acted all happy during the cca meeting. Probably due to the fact that I ate a brownie before that. Then on Thursday that Ms foo created a big hoo ha.

I swear man the bio dept is like covering their faults man. Which subject has only 10 passes out of a candidacy of 186? That’s like 5% pass rate. I swear man. Going to MJ to take bio was the greatest mistake ever.

Friday waited so long for the meeting. Wanted a brownie with ice-cream then no more. Operations have to buck up.

Saturday did a lot also. Slack, slack, slack. Will try to study for chem..

Wow. That was a lot.


Dun feel like blogging. Been feeling damn lazy, as always.

All I can say is this. Bio sucks. Then when this level head of bio, I shan’t name names, told us to write down why we failed our recent bio test, which is I remind you, about 170 out of 184 students, I think, I wrote down cos I didn’t study. I think that the reason they asked us to do all this is to show our parents when the entire bloody cohort FAILS bio cos they aren’t doing ensuring we perform. If the other depts. Can do it, I dun see why they can’t. we after all have the triple science people. Anyway, I think Ms Wang is an excellent teacher. But hey, I don’t have her.

But I did the unthinkable on the paper. I wrote that since the bio marks aren’t a true reflection of my proficiency, I’ll rate myself in accordance with the rank I get against the whole cohort.

I now need to score enough to secure myself a top 20 position. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Haha.

But if hyun woo can get 2nd in level, jasmine can get 10th, Leonard could get 1st last year, and I could get 4th, I don’t see why I can’t do it again.

Maybe its just wishful thinking.

I think I’m full of crap.

Playing soccer tmw with the original 213.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


You know what I was like shocked when I saw my blog being linked from Benedict’s blog? You know. The benedict, from AVA. The one from taekwondo also. What? You don’t know him? He’s the one who makes atrociously lame jokes. Ah. Now you know who he is. At least have the decency to ask me before you link me lah damn it. I know I’m handsome, you want people to know that you actually know me, but please, think of my reputation, do I want people to know that I know you? LOL.

Anywyay, was thinking of the all time favorite joke made by benedict. We were at the NTU camp. It was at night and I was hungry. Yes. There’s nothing wrong with hunger. Anyway, I walked out of the room and before that I said,

“ Hey, I’m going to fill up my instant noodles with hot water.”

To which benedict aptly replied,

” no! you’re not! You’re zul.

WTF man. Damn funny. There was this other time where we asked him to play bridge but he didn’t want to because there wasn’t anny water around. Lame man. But at least its hilarious.

Anyway, I think amin has issues. Refer to the Dawn of the Arseholes entry way way down below. I called Amin and arse. Then he was like damn pissed, acting all offended and stuff, saying that if I had any problems with him I should tell it to his face instead of “bitching about him behind his back”. Well, with all the maturity in him he has done a tit for tat kind of thing. He’s been spreading stuff about me, saying I bitch about him behind his backamong other thing from then until today. Imagine all the bitching that he has done from the day I posted that entry till today while I only bitched about him behind his back once, for which I’m like over it.

But hey amin, whatever toots your horn. I know you’re reading this. Do bear in mind that the people you bitch to actually bother to tell me that you’re bitching about me. Really man. You gotta see where people’s allegiances truly lie. And you know why they tell me that you’re bitching about me, well, you figure it out yourself. It’s the same reason why I posted the entry below, and it’s the same reason why when isyraf called you “sorang” your classmates caught on it so fast. Reflect upon your character amin. You can’t say I’m bitching behind your back now.

Anyway, to more important matters, bloody hell lah. Someone dropped my camera. And she wasn’t even apologetic. What sia. Really man. You can’t drop these kind of things.

Anyway, SPA went truly well. For both chem. AND bio. It’s a first. Seriously. Special thanks to Muhammad from VJC for providing me with the skill D template. Good luck for your SPA.

Anyway, things are going quite ok now. It seems fine, rather disappointing in some areas but truly uplifting in others. Good friends of mine will know what I’m talking about aye.

Anyway, I got to go for now. Got to hand up my chem. file for checking. I’m praying that I don’t get randomly selected.

Monday, February 20, 2006

What man.. Anyhow say...

Tried my birthday present today. Love the scent. Fresh, not so musky, but a little subtle for me. That’s fine I suppose considering how people say Urban Spice is overpowering. Still love Urban Spice though. Quantity supercedes quality I suppose in this case, in these terrible times in the war of the STOINK.

Anyway, Mrs Ng like called me today while I was having dinner. She said she had some news, whether good or bad, it depended on my perception. Anyway, on the 23rd of march, 2 ministers are coming to visit the school and MS Lai has GRACIOUSLY placed Perkafe as one of the destinations that they will visit.

Good news? Bad news? Hmm… Day before block test…. You tell me.

Then she continued and said that every time she meets Ms Foo, Ms Foo tells her that I’m not handing in tutorials and stuff like that. Its fine actually. She’s telling the truth. Or os she?

She told her that I’ve not been handing in Math tutorials and stuff. Now you tell me, how is that possible when math tutorials do not need to be handed up in the first place? Secondly, my math teacher, who also happens to be my form teacher, who will also be writing my testimonial and who is also a member of the discipline committee, who I am fearful of, and thereby forcefully making me do my work complain about me? I hand up my assignments with the exception of one which I’ve already handed up. Tutorials are always done, I ensure that it does. Just ask Jasmine, or Hendriks or Joanne, those who help me out in math?

What man. She infuriates me in 2 ways. I got the work done in the first place. Secondly, math is not her bloody subject. She’s already got her hands full with bio, the whole world knows that. She has no prerogative in complaining to another teacher about another subject that she does not teach, and doesn’t even know the facts. Seriously man. What is her problem?

Anyway, tomorrow is my bio spa. I’m like super enthusiastic now. Considering that I’ve cocked up my whole of last years’ spas, I’ve taken a more serious position on spa.

Kudos to Muhammad who has provided me with quality answers from VJ. I hope that the enzyme skill D limitations and improvements can be applied tomorrow.

Anyway, I think its fine now. I’m actually giving a damn about my studies now. Not very much, but it’s a start.

Oh, and I have a new ambitious target, that is to put my name back into the echelons of those in the top 10 for bio block test. I got fourth for mid-yrs, so why not now again? If Leonard could have gotten first for the mid-yrs and 6th for the promos I don’t see why I can’t get 10th? Leonard is not that infallible is he?

We shall see whether this remains one of my castles in the sky or one dream that will come true.

Anyway, for the ministerial visit to Perkafe, I think the J1s will be handling it right? I mean Ms Lai direct orders were to leave the J2s alone. So Siu Sing and I will probably be there for a short while on the day itself to ensure that nothing cocks up before and to entertain the ministers when they arrive and eat stuff.

Quite interesting stuff huh. If only I were in year one. Then it would be interesting. Now its just another distraction contributing to that cumulative F I’m going to get next march if I give it too much attention.

Well, there’s no point getting answers from people and not learning them. Well, goodbye. See you tomorrow during spa.

Oh, and ZulSingTat is leaving. Yes, Shaik Hafiz is leaving to go to TJC. Damn. He would have made a good boss. I'm saying this kind of late though. Probably because I haven't realised it fully until now. He would have made a good person to be in charge of the 23rd of March. Hmph. Too bad. Well, TJ is lucky I guess.

Friday, February 17, 2006

We are the champions... My friends............................................................................. (in Pioneer JC)

Ah. Love. It was in the air at NTU. It was like all NTU-IEEE-JC Challenge people were lagging in celebrating V-day. Especially Cindy. If she could blush any worse, she'll be a tomato head. Hee. Hee.

More pics for your enjoyment.

So today was quite an eventful day. Woke up early, boarded the bus to NTU with a tinge of hope for winning. We occupied ourselves with lame jokes and puzzles like Black Magic, Fuzzy Wuzzy and some other lame games, all of which I have no understanding of. You’re like given a pattern and you’re supposed to guess the pattern out. I only managed to crack one puzzle. It just goes to show that I’m no lateral thinker.

Anyway, we reached the LT, took our places, heard some smart dudes talk and waited some more, until finally, the prize presentation started.

Lo, and behold, the four prizes……….

Didn’t go to us. Haha. We didn’t even get nominated, although the professor said we’re all winners. WOOT!

Pionner won 2 prizes, one went to RJ and the other went to NJ.

Well, that’s the end of the competition then.

We then went to play at some free arcade at NTU. I beat Luqman at table hockey! WOOT! After losing to Audrey 3-1 twice yesterday. As if her victory wasn’t enough, she went on to thrash me at Puzzle Bubble 10-1. Beauty and brains ah Audrey. XD

Went for Friday prayers with Luqman then we met the rest of the group at Jurong point. Talk cock for a while, made fun of benedict and just had one last fun time before we part our separate ways.

I can tell you, this has been one of the most fun projects I’ve ever been on. Good people man. Funny people. ( Rubs nose XD)

Anyway, I think I’m really behind in my work now, got to start, but I don’t know whether I can. Lazy bones. Anyway, missed my class today. A day without my admin staff behind me, and the mat boy beside me is quite a boring one. Luckily, there’s benedict to make fun of.


Don’t know why I’m so happy. Maybe its because of the 2 pics below. JJ rocks man!
WOOT!! Too bad I don't know their contacts. Shy lah. Normally women and models alike approach me. :) So in this case I don't know what to do.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sorry to disappoint you all

What a bad day. It all started with my watch stopping. It kept showing the 15th as the date and 7.45 as the time.

Should have known it was an omen. A bad one.

Anyway, the bus came late and we reached NTU late. So we set up the booth, found that it was bare and actually, I shan’t elaborate more. I’m too tired.

I had to present to the judges. However, I couldn’t use the presentation I used for the oral presentation at the LT last Friday. I had to summarise it and use the giant posters for reference and refrain form using the slides Siu Sing created as it was an exhibition, not a presentation.

I am NOT spontaneous. I need one whole night to think and then rehearse, make changes, read aloud AND then and ONLY then can I come up with a usual presentation. No matter how long or short the presentation is, I need time. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time this afternoon.

I COCKED up. Shit. I was too soft, not confident and nervous. I rushed at strategic points, stumbled and repeated certain points, basically, I sucked. I know that I’m not a good speaker, but today, I especially sucked. Never in my 2 years of doing public speaking (I was this bugger in VS) have I sucked this bad. Does anyone beg to differ? I don’t think so. Seriously. I sucked. Not the kind where people say, “Aiyoh, you can do better one.” It’s the kind of bad presentation where your teammates look at you with those sad, disappointed eyes, and say, “Its ok”. They knew, I knew. There’s no need to say anymore.

Just want to apologize to the team for my poor performance today. Seriously. Sorry. I cracked. It was hot, stuffy, crowded and those beady professors’ eyes just broke me.

I’m sorry.

Anyway, here are the pics for today, I’ll give a CD containing all the actual high-res pics on Monday.