Friday, February 17, 2006

We are the champions... My friends............................................................................. (in Pioneer JC)

Ah. Love. It was in the air at NTU. It was like all NTU-IEEE-JC Challenge people were lagging in celebrating V-day. Especially Cindy. If she could blush any worse, she'll be a tomato head. Hee. Hee.

More pics for your enjoyment.

So today was quite an eventful day. Woke up early, boarded the bus to NTU with a tinge of hope for winning. We occupied ourselves with lame jokes and puzzles like Black Magic, Fuzzy Wuzzy and some other lame games, all of which I have no understanding of. You’re like given a pattern and you’re supposed to guess the pattern out. I only managed to crack one puzzle. It just goes to show that I’m no lateral thinker.

Anyway, we reached the LT, took our places, heard some smart dudes talk and waited some more, until finally, the prize presentation started.

Lo, and behold, the four prizes……….

Didn’t go to us. Haha. We didn’t even get nominated, although the professor said we’re all winners. WOOT!

Pionner won 2 prizes, one went to RJ and the other went to NJ.

Well, that’s the end of the competition then.

We then went to play at some free arcade at NTU. I beat Luqman at table hockey! WOOT! After losing to Audrey 3-1 twice yesterday. As if her victory wasn’t enough, she went on to thrash me at Puzzle Bubble 10-1. Beauty and brains ah Audrey. XD

Went for Friday prayers with Luqman then we met the rest of the group at Jurong point. Talk cock for a while, made fun of benedict and just had one last fun time before we part our separate ways.

I can tell you, this has been one of the most fun projects I’ve ever been on. Good people man. Funny people. ( Rubs nose XD)

Anyway, I think I’m really behind in my work now, got to start, but I don’t know whether I can. Lazy bones. Anyway, missed my class today. A day without my admin staff behind me, and the mat boy beside me is quite a boring one. Luckily, there’s benedict to make fun of.


Don’t know why I’m so happy. Maybe its because of the 2 pics below. JJ rocks man!
WOOT!! Too bad I don't know their contacts. Shy lah. Normally women and models alike approach me. :) So in this case I don't know what to do.


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