Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Its Too Late To Apologize.. Its Too Late...

If there's one thing I've learnt in SCDF, is that Microsoft Excel is a wonderful tool.


Just pop a figure in and all the info that you need (but not want) comes on sceen. Hohoho.

What's that? That my dear, is one of my Unit trust investments. And I can recall barely 3 months back, breaking even, and celebrating 0.7% profit. Haha. Good times.

Weighted average cost is the average costs of all my units, and NAV is how much they're currently worth.

How much I gain or lose is the NAV difference multiplied by the no. of units I own. Simple maths, to trick simpletons like me to put their hard earned money into the world's oldest IR, the world's equity markets.

Haha. Long term thinking must be employed eh?

Not exactly. According to the data, my investments should yield some profit for my future grandchildren to buy a few cups of bubble tea.

After a 2061.23 point drop in just 1 day, prior to a 1500+ point drop last week, its official! Its a recession my dears!

Let the graph do the talking.

I bought on average when the markets were recovering form the major August 2007 correction when markets just discovered the CDO credit crunch. ( 1st Red Circle )

Well, now (2nd Red Circle) they say this problem is here to stay and will most likely cause a recession. Like motherFing DUH!

I lost 35.616% in 3 months! Woohoo. Happy 2008 folks.


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