The Best Is Yet to Be --- ACS Sch Motto... Am I the Only one who finds it funny?
Was uploading some old pics from my camera. Found this pic. Its not focussed cos the camerawoman didn't have a steady hand. Probably because all the people in the pic are hot. (with the exception of clement. LOL.)
In light of the increasing self-realisation of my abilities, I have come to the conclusion that I have passed the point of no return. I have slacked until I now can no longer achieve my fullest potential, regardless of how much miracle powder i possess. Its a reality, that of which has manifested out of my sheer laziness. Yet this picture gives me hope. The VS buggers above (with the exception of clement. LOL.) have done so much in their own right, other VS buggers have also contributed to the vibrancy of MJ. Yet we have not shed the slack-ness that comes with such greatness, till the point that we short-change ourelves from our own greatness.
The pic above is a testament that VS buggers still can make it. Yes, we have passed the point of no return for normal people. But the VS last-minute miracle still can happen. To all VS buggers both in and out of MJ,
NIL SINE LABORE. A phrase that will push us through the perilous times lying ahead of us.
Oh, and this is my class' idea of a joke. Me under a poster advocating Fat-free food at Perkafe. I must once again say, that yes, all Perkafe food is fat-free*. ( to a certain extent)
In light of the increasing self-realisation of my abilities, I have come to the conclusion that I have passed the point of no return. I have slacked until I now can no longer achieve my fullest potential, regardless of how much miracle powder i possess. Its a reality, that of which has manifested out of my sheer laziness. Yet this picture gives me hope. The VS buggers above (with the exception of clement. LOL.) have done so much in their own right, other VS buggers have also contributed to the vibrancy of MJ. Yet we have not shed the slack-ness that comes with such greatness, till the point that we short-change ourelves from our own greatness.
The pic above is a testament that VS buggers still can make it. Yes, we have passed the point of no return for normal people. But the VS last-minute miracle still can happen. To all VS buggers both in and out of MJ,
NIL SINE LABORE. A phrase that will push us through the perilous times lying ahead of us.
Oh, and this is my class' idea of a joke. Me under a poster advocating Fat-free food at Perkafe. I must once again say, that yes, all Perkafe food is fat-free*. ( to a certain extent)
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