Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Strip off the blue and don the yellow

Whoa. Something’s wrong with me man. Can you imagine I got last in class? For bio. It was some stupid compilation of marks thing for the 2 recent class tests and I got last in class. God. I think I;m last in the whole damned level.

Crap man. In VS I could sleep and slack the whole day and still NOT get last in class for ANYTHING. I copied more than I am copying now, played more then than now, slept more then and hardly now and I NEVER got last for anything. I thought I was smart enough to not study and do relatively ok. Well, I thought wrong.

Must change. You can tell when I’m ready to study. If you look at my file now, you won’t be able to see separate pieces of paper, you’ll just see a whole stack. Heck, there isn’t even a file. But when you see me toting a well-organized file, you better jolly well watch out. Cos that means I actually give a damn bout studies and my file reflects my conviction to do well. Right now, I think it’ll start to look better. But I cannot continue like this man. I’m sure I’ve stored enough VS magic in my pockets long enough. I should be able to draw on some of it now, considering that I;ve not used it in one and a half years. Hmm.

Must shed that blue Meridian spirit and start wearing yellow and black. Yup. Actually, I’ve turned into a bad meridian. People like Gatsby are doing so well, S papers and all. And to think we entered at the same level. So it should be of no excuse for me to not do as well if not better considering other circumstances. Damn. Got to stop disturbing bloody construction workers and start giving a damn bout my life.

On a lighter note, wait, there isn’t a lighter note. Maybe its because I’m stupid. That’s why I think there’s a lighter note. Huh. Till next time, when I regain a bit of my intelligence that has been slowly seeping away.

and for that to happen, my file needs to be sorted out. I'm sure Daryl, Sarah and Joanne can attest to that.


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