Wednesday, December 21, 2005

NKF will never recover form this PR Massacre

Oh my god..... I am such a big slacker. Woke up to read the newspaper... I see that the KPMG report on the NKF is really hot news now... hmmm... Such rampant abuse of power.. for the CEO's own personal gain... how could he have no conscience? how could the board approve such extravagant transactions.... of course they can.. they too benefit.. but my god.. 10% only makes it to the benefactors..

I truly aspire to reach that kind of position and power, however of course i will never ever abuse it.. I believe in honesty.. Trust among peers, among your surbordinates to me is very important. I trust certain people a lot and i feel that they should be able to trust me. Whether they trust me seems apparent, but hey you never know whether someone really trusts you or not.

oh yah, to reach to that pinnacle of power, i should stop using the "..." function.... I think my GP is going to suffer. i really need to start reading again.

the prospect of the A levels next year, the daunting task that lies ahead is scaring the gallstones out of me. I don't know whether i am up to mark. i hope i am. i cannot repeat the miracle i performed during the O's. 2 months studying and it yielded very very satisfying results. It should have been... BUT IT WASN'T. Bloody TJ and VJ didn't accept me. should have actually paid attention to CCA and not dropped HMT. Bloody hell. the past is the pat i suppose. Bygones.

But it is much easier to dwell on the past than to concentrate on the future. The armegeddon of my academic life is approaching in about 12 months time. am i ready to survive? am i ready to prosper?

Anyway, i went to harbourfront today to do some stuff and i bought my stationery for next year. I bought this kickass desk organiser drawer thingy.. it took the entire mess of pens, and small knick knacks and made my desk sooooooo neat. Now, all i have to do is to tidy the rest of my room. oh, and start doing my homework of course. Well i guess that task is for tmw then. but at least i started on something huh.

Can't wait for friday. going to my sis's house to play Xbox. My bro in law bought 2 steering wheels and a bunch of racing games and a whole big fat turkey and salami from one of those halal Christmas turkey suppliers thingy.. Never eaten fresh roasted tyrkey before... Ate turkey ham, turkey cold cuts, frozen turkey... but no fresh turkey.. can't wait...


really gonna start work on fri.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never trust very much in the people

7:59 AM  

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